60 minutes private reading.
Please email me with any questions or if you need to reschedule your appointment.
60 minutes private reading
- If your appointment is by phone:
Be sure to call from a quiet place where you will be undisturbed.
Call 312.213.8624 five minutes before the appointed time. You may pay online here or when you call using your credit card.
Please be prompt. If you will be more than 10 minutes late, I will reschedule.
If you cannot make the appointed time, please notify me by email or phone as soon as possible.
No refunds please.
Appointments at my office:
Please arrive 5 minutes early. In the event you will be 10 minutes or longer past the appointed time, I may need to reschedule.
You may bring a small photo or a small possession that belonged to your loved one. I may use it to make a connection during your reading. Photos should be presented face down or in an envelope.